Monday, May 18, 2009

Rather on the Demise of the News Media and Collapse of Democracy

My first day at this Media Relations Summit in NYC was a monster hit. It began with a thoughtful and well presented speech by the veteran newsman Dan Rather who described and bemoaned the extinction of the diverse, independent media in America. He argued that the current corporate consolidation (is any more consolidation possible?) will continue to negatively effect democracy in pernicious ways - confessing that in his final network days soft-spine reporting had markedly diminished the quality of the news. It might be suggested that his views are tinged by a less-than-glorious exit as a headliner.

Regardless, the endangered state of the independent media is reason for concern among all believers in a free society. Mr. Rather accurately pointed out that the print media is the fountainhead that supports and guides broadcast and the others. The collapse of the daily journals that we are presently witnessing is sure to impact our country significantly.

"We in the Press Need a Spine Transplant, We Lost Our Backbone".
Dan Rather at Media Relations Summit 2009
play interview

On a lighter note - I also had the opportunity to learn from and personally meet a delightful character, Michael Musto, reporter for the Village Voice. An absolute riot - quintessential New York! I include a link to his most recent column for those who follow theater: Link.

Nine hours of non-stop sessions made for a full day, and I'd be happy to share details of the substance upon request with anyone interested. I'll be transposing my notes after signing off here.

Healthy, safe and happy here in NYC.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like exciting times in NYC. I grew up right outside the city and spent a lot of time wandering around Greenwich Village as a young man and a jazz buff.

    If Dan Rather is so concerned about corporate take over of news outlets, he needs to speak up more and find several advocates who will support his views. We are all afraid of what we see as the media controlling everything we see and read. Thank God for the Internet as means for exchanging unsanitized thoughts.

    I am looking forward to reading more in your blog. Mike Perrault, Forest Grove, Oregon
